Monday, October 17, 2011

The Pyramids of Giza

The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Khufu. Khufu is the first of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World. It is the oldest building in the world and HUGE!!
The Great Sphinx with human head and lion's body, is a colossal sculpture cut from the Giza bedrock. (Look someone got his nose!)

The Pyramid of Khafre (in the back there). The pyramids were built about 4500 yrs ago. Guess what the main purpose of the pyramids was? Oh, I knew you would get it, a tomb for a King. (talk about ego!!) 

This is the other side of the Pyramid of Khafre, just an indicator of how HUGE the pyramid really is.(Oh the things one can do with a camera!)

"Walk like an Egyptian!"
(Can you hear the music? I'm singing it now!!)

Shopping anyone? So much to choose from, and yes sometimes I fell prey to the tourist trap, oh what the heck, I'm on vacation!!

The three large pyramids of Giza. From left to right, Menkaure, Khafre and Khufu. Cairo in the background, and Dixie Dee in the foreground. (Just wanted a picture of me with one of the Seven Wonders of the World.)

It's Friday 19 November 2010 and the last full day as a tourist in Egypt. Sad to say, it's almost time to pack up, and hurry up and wait in line, go through scanners, remove belts, shoes, etc... and then look for a winter coat. Leaving all the sand and heat for the snow and cold of Alberta! Ahhh, is that a good thing???

I think I have one more post about "Interesting sights 2" from my trip and then I've pretty much told the story. Thanks for coming on the trip with me, I hope it was somewhat interesting and that you've learned a few things, I know I learned alot of things and I hope I can keep them in my mind and heart. I have much to be thankful for and one of them is the opportunity to experience the Middle East. Another is the chance to "Run today where Jesus Walked!"  Experiencing Israel and Jerusalem really does help make the scriptures come alive for me. I've said it before, but I didn't have to go to the Holy Land to know that Christ lived and died for me and mankind, but it is fun to read about things like The Garden Tomb and have memories to go along with that reading.


  1. Now the pyramids is something that I would love to see. I did forget you were there in the warmth while we were freezing our booties off. It has been a fun trip!
