Monday, February 20, 2012

Five Decades of Family

This time I'm focusing on the "Family". I thought I would go back in time. This was taken in January 2012 the day of Grandpa Vadnais funeral. (in my 40's)

 The family,including spouses, as of about 1996.(in my 30's)

This was taken in 1980, the year I graduated from High School. (close to my 20's)

Christmas 1971 at the Leavitt house. Oh we are stylin'!

And my favorite picture of all! The Denver and Joy Bevans family taken around 1966.

Once April comes around I'll hopefully be over the Memory Lane thing and blog about "Adventures", but I'm working on getting some of these fun pictures digital and blogging is my motivator at the moment. Thanks for coming on the ride!


  1. Oh what a fun post. What a great idea to do family decade pictures. And I love your favorite picture too! Your dress is sooooo cute and your dad resembles Elvis!

  2. How fun to see each decade of your family. How did you get to be so short? Rod must have taken all of the height.

  3. I swear I looked at this a long time ago and I know I commented. That is weird. What I said before was that my favorite picture is your favorite picture. And I still think you and Haley look a TON alike.

  4. So so so darling! Even now after see pics, I really don't know your brother! I just think it is funny!
