Saturday, January 29, 2011

Banff !

Well, to mix things up a bit, I decided to throw in a blog about Banff! We really do live in an incredible part of the world, people come from all over the world to see our Rocky Mountains, and sometimes we don't take advantage of what we have. Kelly and I decided to take a few days and visit Banff National Park! We were so lucky to have warm winter weather and NO WIND!! Oh that is such a great thing, No Wind!!

 This is a picture of the west side of Lake Louise. Kelly and I were cross country skiing so I thought I would take a few pictures.

 This is the north end of Lake Louise, the end one would see if you were standing at the big fancy Chateau Lake Louise. We skied to the end of the lake. about 2km one way. It was beautiful, I felt like I was in a movie, just no music or handsome leading man, shucks!! :)

 Evidence that Kelly and I were there, under the shelter to get out of the snow some, but I actually liked the snow.

 Just a little vanity, to show I was truly there. I would like to go to Lake Louise in the summer too, it is beautiful.

 While we were snacking and taking pictures the sleigh showed up. I SO want to have a day like this for a sleigh ride in Leavitt. This is the type of day I was hoping for, for New Years Day, soft falling snow, no wind, slippery snow for the sleigh. It was a perfect outdoor day. (Actually, today would be a good day here, but of course, everyone is working, doing the life thing, not able to go for a sleigh ride, Patience, patience, I know, I know.)

 "Can you hear those sleigh bells ring ting tingingling too?"(Oh I know I'm off key, just smile:)

Ok, can you see my friend below, he decided he wanted some of my trail mix and helped himself!! Birds these days, I tell ya!
Some Ice Climbers getting ready!

 This is the waterfall that the guys were getting ready to climb. If you look real close you can see someone is already up there, he is in the upper left hand side of the ice. From where we were it looked like a very long way to go! We heard him cheering himself on, once he got up to the very top. He was quite proud of himself.
It is about a 100m waterfall, according to the info I read about that waterfall. "Who says you can't walk on water? He climbed it!"

 Ice sculptures at the Chateau Lake Lousie. Kelly posing for me, thanks kido!

 Here we are right next to the sculpture! They are so cool! There were several around the Chateau.

This guy was right outside our Condo doorway. He just made himself at home, I thought about making some noise to get him to put his head up and pose, but then I thought better of it as I'm not such a good runner!

So was our time at Banff and Lake Louise, we got some downhill skiing in, some time in the Hot Springs, and of course time in and out of the fun stores on Banff Avenue. A good getaway with great weather, oh, I'm so lucky to be able to do such fun, neat things!


  1. The weather was definitely snowy, but super picturesque when it comes to the sleigh. The picture with the sleigh in the trees looks like a Christmas card. I really like it. Ice sculptures? That is pretty cool, I've never seen anything like that before. It looks like you had a good time with your sister. Sisters rock, doncha think?

  2. What a lot of fun and snow. Love the big flakes coming down. Love the sleigh ride picture too. Very picturesque!
    Yep, sister's rock!

  3. I am glad you had a fun week on your 6 days off. We will put Banff hot springs on our list of things to do.

  4. The Bevans gals need a trek to Colorado for some skiing, but bring your oxygen tanks. You'll need them at 12,000 feet.
